Blue Top with Flowers - 1327

  • Brand: YOVINI
  • Cat No: 1327

We offer you a super stretchy Top with flowers, handmade in Atelier Yovini.

The top can be worn with both trousers and a skirt, as well as with jeans.

The material is super stretchy and very pleasant to the touch.

39,00 лв.
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Price: 39,00 лв.
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Size Chart - Instructions
Изработка по поръчка
Size Chart - Instructions


   Check out our Size Chart. Compare your measurements with hers. If you're having trouble measuring and sizing, don't worry! 

   We will contact you after accepting your order. We will specify whick size is best for you, as well as all delivery details.

   In case your size is currently not available, make an inquiry in Contacts, specify the model number.

   It is possible to make the model according to individual dimensions.

   Delivery to Bulgaria of available models in 1-4 working days.

   Delivery outside Bulgaria from 7 to 15 working days, depending on the location of delivery.


Sewing studio Atelier Yovini


Изработка по поръчка

   В Шивашко ателие Atelier Yovini изработваме по поръчка официални и ежедневни облекла. 

   Ако желаете да изработим облекло по поръчка за специален повод или за вашето ежедневие, свържете се с нас. Можете да ни покажете желания модел и ние ще ви изпратим оферта за изработка.


Шивашко ателие Atelier Yovini

бул. Никола Вапцаров 23, гр. Пловдив

+359 878196058



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Blue Top with Flowers - 1327
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